
Photos from Island/Universe by John Hooper

The show is into its first week and yesterday Mike and I were interviewed for (The latest news from the European Art scene). The interview should be up on their site in a couple of weeks. Above are shots of the show at _SFTF

24hrs, Here. by John Hooper

Once again I will set off up a mountain (well to be truthful this time it will be an extinct volcano) with Mike Moloney. Coming with us this time is the fantastically talented Chris Hatherill of super/collider fame with whom I have worked in the past. This time we are going further and higher than before, the Astronomical Observatory of El Roque de Los Muchachos. For 5 days (2-7th of November) we shall be shooting, rotating, logging and generally recording various aspects of life on top and above the observatory. Follow our progress at
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